How can we set up a generic account to authenticate and pull exports programmatically?

To set up a generic account for data export, please follow these steps:

  1. Create a new user account by going to Studio > Tenant. Detailed steps can be found in this knowledge base article Creating a New User Account.
  2. Link an active email address to this new account for communication and recovery purposes.
  3. Assign the “Author Data Exports” and “Consume Data Exports” capabilities to the account to ensure it has sufficient permissions to handle data exports.
  4. If Single Sign-On (SSO) is in use, add the generic account to the bypass user list under Studio > Settings > Single Sign-On, which will allow it to use a non-SSO password.
  5. Reset the password for non-SSO authentication by going to Tenant > Users, searching for the new account, and using the “Reset password” feature.

After these steps are completed, share the login credentials (username and non-SSO password) with the IT team for use with data exports. Refer to the guide on setting up data exports for additional help Setting Up Data Exports.