To set up a generic account for data export, please follow these steps:
- Create a new user account by going to Studio > Tenant. Detailed steps can be found in this knowledge base article Creating a New User Account.
- Link an active email address to this new account for communication and recovery purposes.
- Assign the “Author Data Exports” and “Consume Data Exports” capabilities to the account to ensure it has sufficient permissions to handle data exports.
- If Single Sign-On (SSO) is in use, add the generic account to the bypass user list under Studio > Settings > Single Sign-On, which will allow it to use a non-SSO password.
- Reset the password for non-SSO authentication by going to Tenant > Users, searching for the new account, and using the “Reset password” feature.
After these steps are completed, share the login credentials (username and non-SSO password) with the IT team for use with data exports. Refer to the guide on setting up data exports for additional help Setting Up Data Exports.