POST /v2/admin/users fails to create users with non-alphanumeric characters

Hello Visier Developer community,

After calling the endpoint POST /v2/admin/users with the following payload:

	"users": [
			"username": "VALID_USERNAME",
			"displayName": "Test & Tester",
			"employeeId": "VALID_EMPLOYEE_ID",
			"accountEnabled": true,
			"email": "VALID_EMAIL"

we are getting the following response:

	"successes": [],
	"failures": [
			"userId": "",
			"userName": "VALID_USERNAME",
			"displayName": "Test & Tester",
			"error": {
				"message": "Unknown error occurred. Please contact Visier Support.",
				"rci": "RCIY0070204"

What can we do here to overcome this problem?

P.S. When we call the endpoint PUT /v2/admin/users?tenantCode with the same payload, namely the displayName contains ‘&’ the user gets updated successfully, but the non-alphanumeric characters are removed.

Thanks in advance,

Hey Bogdan,

Thanks for raising this inconsistent behaviour. For the user’s displayName, we do not allow special characters like & to be used. We will correct this inconsistency between the PUT and POST.

@burke.lougheed Can you provide us a list of not allowed characters in the display name, please? (so that we will validate and escape them on our side)


The blacklist of characters in the display name are the following 4:

"<", ">", "%", "&"